« Some year end stuff. Obama Girl is Influential, Obama is hip, handsome and new. | Main | Cool zenie thing »

January 02, 2008



Obama girl, you got to keep striving for the top. Maybe one day you will get a cabinet position or be an aid for the Obama White House, but please keep your hands to yourself. We can't afford another Lawinski scenario. I'll bet that you could handle the pressure though. Obama girl your so hot, and I have an idea for a new parody. Juvinile the rapper from New Orleans would agree with me,

"Girl You Look Good, Won't you Barack That Ass Up? Youz A Big Fine Woman, Won't You Barack That Ass Up? Girl Who Is You Playin' Wit, Barack That Ass Up?"

For me, a new fan Please Barack Dat Ass Up.



I will link this webiste very soon to:


Hope Obama did read Dignity and difference by Jonatha Sacks!!!

Siti Nurhaliza

Hi..just stopping by to say a Happy New Year...interesting post there, and i've bookmarked this blog too...keep up the good job ;)

Ms Single Mama

You rock!!! I'm a single mama for Obama! And ... I also think I've developed a mad crush on him. Keep it up - we need you Obama girl!


Obama Looking At Girl.Obama looking at a girl"s butt? Where"s the video?
Exclusive funny video here:http://malecafe.net/video/index.php?q=obama looking at girl-video

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