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August 30, 2007


Mr. Everett C. Bee

Overseas Vote Information Needed Not Military, Not Government Employee. Work as German National. Obama Girls are cool. They could tip the vote for the good. Are there Obama Guys to?


I was raised in a country that believes that women belongs in the white house, you are raised to wear bunny ears. I petty you for being so stupid, and ignorant. I cannot understand why American women believe that they are born and raised to serve men. I am so proud to be an Norwegian women were we believe in SEXUAL equality.
And we do not wear bunny ears.


ingerliv u are so stupid it dosent matter she is so god damn HOT u fuckin idiot

britt obama lova:)

omg i love i gotta crush on obama i love him 2. whats your e mail i cant get it?

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